Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level Exam, also known as the SSC CGL is is held to recruit candidates for Group B and Group C positions in the Government of India’s various departments.
Being one of the most sought-after exams among youth, every year, millions of aspirants appear for the exam, but only a few get selected. If you wish to crack the exam, you must have a well-thought-out study plan as well as have a firm approach towards each subject in the exam syllabus.
On that note, let’s drill down a few section-wise preparation strategies to achieve a good score in the exam through a smart approach.
General Intelligence and Reasoning
Depending on how well a candidate prepares for this section, it can be either a nightmare or a gold mine for him/her. Candidates must solve past years’ papers while preparing for reasoning. This will give them a sense of which topics are more important, and applicants will need to devote more attention and effort to these topics.
You can also practice and concentrate more on topics such as seating arrangement, puzzles, order and ranking, direction and distance, and others, which can easily get you 3-5 marks once you have figured out the correct arrangement.
Quantitative Aptitude
If you can calculate fast and have a clear understanding of the basic concepts, you can easily score above 45 in Tier I and 170 in Tier II.
Learn short tricks to increase your calculation speed, which will help you save valuable time in the exam. To improve accuracy and speed, try also memorizing squares, tables, and cubes.
Any misconceptions about fundamental concepts can affect a candidate’s performance in the Quantitative Aptitude section. Not only that, even during preparation you might face difficulty in understanding a concept if you haven’t clearly understood the last concept. For example, to understand the derivation of the Equation of a Circle, which is used in many questions of circles asked from coordinate geometry, you must know about the section formula, Pythagoras theorem, Chord of a Circle, and other concepts.
Candidates are also advised to practice as many questions as possible in order to gain a better understanding of them.
English Language and Comprehension
This section of the SSC CGL exam is just as significant as the others. Apart from that, if the candidate has a solid comprehension of basic grammatical rules, a large vocabulary, and thorough reading abilities, it is the most scoring component of all.
Candidates can prepare for English by reading publications such as Chetananand Singh’s English is Easy, Word Power Made Easy, and others. Learn and review basic grammatical rules, as well as answer as many questions as possible on a variety of themes, including error detection, fill-in-the-blanks, sentence repair, and cloze tests.
Reading reputable English newspapers and publications on a regular basis will help you improve your vocabulary and reading comprehension. Furthermore, studying a few comprehension passages every day might help you manage your time when solving comprehension passages on the exam.
General Awareness
If the candidate has an excellent understanding of static GK and current events, this segment could be a lifesaver in the exam. The SSC CGL exam is well renowned for asking about current events from the previous six months. To prepare for the Static GK section, candidates can use Lucent or NCERT books.
Daily newspaper reading can help with current events. The candidate must research national news and events, as well as honors and awards, books and authors, positions, and more. Candidates can also keep up to date by logging into online competitive test preparation platforms like Testbook, which provide daily, weekly, and monthly current affairs.
Disclaimer: Candidates are advised to refer to the official notification (Advt) for precise details and updates.