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UPPSC Various Post Online Form 2017

Posted 26 October 17, 3:49 am

UPPSC Various Post Online Form 2017

(Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission Direct Recruitment 2017)

(Total: 802 Post)

Important Dates:

Application Start: 24 October 2017

Last Date: 24 November 2017

Last Date Fees Submit: 31 November 2017

Receipt Of Hard Copy: 01 December 2017

Admit Card Download: 31 October 2019

Exam Date: November 2019

Application Fees:

General / OBC: Rs. 105/-

SC / ST: Rs. 65/-

PH: Rs. 25/-

Make the payment ‘online’ using Net Banking/Debit Card/Credit Card

Age Limit:

(age as on 01 July 2017)

Age Relaxation is Provided on the Below Advertisement

Detail of Vacancy:
Directorate/Department Name Sr. No. Post/Vacancy Name Nature Age Post Qualification
U.P. CHIKITSA SHIKSHA (UNANI) DEPTT. 1. Lecturer EN-UJAN-ANAF HALAQ,S- 11/22 Temporary 25-40 1 . I. Five years Degree in Unani from a University established by law or five years degree from the Board of Indian Medicine, Uttar Pradesh or any other State Board or Faculty which is registrable under the United Provinces Indian Medicine Act, 1939. II. Post Graduate qualification of the subject from a recognized institution. III. Adequate knowledge of Hindi, English and Urdu or Arabic or Persian.
2. Lecturer Tashrih-UI-Badan,S- 11/02 Permanent 25-40 1 1. Five years Degree in Unani from a University established by law or the Board of Indian Medicine, Uttar Pradesh or any other State Board or Faculty which is registrable under the United Provinces Indian Medicine Act, 19392. Post Graduate qualification of the subject from a recognized institution.3. Adequate knowledge of Hindi, English and Urdu or Arabic or Persian.
3. Lecturer Moalijat,S- 11/04 Permanent 25-40 1
4. Lecturer Jarahat,S- 11/08 Permanent 25-40 1
  1. I.Five years Degree in Unani from a University established by law or the Board of Indian Medicine, Uttar Pradesh or any other State Board or Faculty which is registrable under the United Provinces Indian Medicine Act, 1939. II. Post Graduate qualification of the subject from a recognized institution. III. Adequate knowledge of Hindi, English and Urdu or Arabic or Persian.
  2. . Candidates holding M.B.B.S. Degree registered with Medical Council of India.
U.P. CHIKITSA SHIKSHA (AYURVEDIC) DEPTT. 5. Reader, Sanhita Sanskrit and Siddhant,S- 11/23 Permanent 28-45 1 1. Five years Degree in Ayurveda from a University established by law or five years Degree from the Board of Indian Medicine, Uttar Pradesh or any other State Board or Faculty, which is registrable under the United Provinces Indian Medicine Act, 1939,2. Seven years teaching experience of the subject (five years for a Post-Graduate) in a recognized institution.3. Working knowledge of Hindi, English and Sanskrit.
6. Reader Swasthya Vritt,S- 11/03 Temporary 28-45 1 1. Five years Degree in Ayurveda from a University established by law or five years Degree from the Board of Indian Medicine, Uttar Pradesh or any other State Board or Faculty which is registrable under the United Provinces Indian Medicine Act, 1939.2. Ten years teaching experience of the subject (eight years only in case of post-graduate) including three years on the post of Reader in a recognized institution.3. Working knowledge of Hindi, English and Sanskrit.
7. Professor Shalya Tantra,S- 11/09 Permanent 30-50 1
8. Professor Ras Shastra Avam Bhaishajya Kalpna,S- 11/10 Temporary 30-50 1
 U.P. CHIKITSA SHIKSHA (HOMOEOPATHIC) DEPARTMENT. 9. Professor Physiology & Biochemistry,S- 11/24 Temporary 30-50 1 1. A recognized diploma or a degree in Homoeopathy Or a degree recogized by the Medical Council of India preferably with qualification included in the IIIrd Schedule of the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973.2. Three years teaching experience as Reader or Associate Professor or Ten years teaching experience in the subject concerned in Homoeopathic or Allopathic Medical College.
10. Professor Practice of Medicine,S- 11/01 Temporary 30-50 2 1. A recognized diploma or a degree in Homoeopathy Or a degree recogized by the Medical Council of India preferably with qualification included in the IIIrd Schedule of the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973.2. Three years teaching experience as Reader or Associate Professor or Ten years teaching experience in the subject concerned in Homoeopathic or Allopathic Medical College
11. Professor Surgery,S- 11/05 Temporary 30-50 2 1. A recognized diploma or a degree in Homoeopathy Or a degree recogized by the Medical Council of India preferably with qualification included in the IIIrd Schedule of the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973.2. Three years teaching experience as Reader or Associate Professor or Ten years teaching experience in the subject concerned in Homoeopathic or Allopathic Medical College.
12. Professor Materia Medica,S- 11/06 Temporary 30-50 4 1. A recognized diploma or a degree in Homoeopathy or a qualification included in the IIIrd Schedule of Homoeopathy Central Council Act. 1973.2. Ten years teaching experience including three years teaching experience in the concerned subject as Reader or Associate Professor in a recognized Homoeopathic Medical College.
13. Professor Forensic Medicine,S- 11/07 Temporary 30-50 2 1. A recognized diploma or a degree in Homoeopathy Or (ii) a degree recognized by the Medical Council of India preferably with qualification included in the IIIrd Schedule of the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 19732. Three years teaching experience as Reader or Associate Professor or Ten years teaching experience in the subject concerned in Homoeopathic or Allopathic Medical College
14. Professor Homoeopathic Pharmacy,S- 11/11 Temporary 30-50 2 1. A recognized diploma or a degree in Homoeopathy Or a qualification included in the Illrd Schedule of Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973.2. Ten years teaching experience including three years teaching experience in the concerned subject as Reader Or Associate Professor in a recognized Homoeopathic Medical College.
DIRECTORATE OF SPORTS, U.P. 15. Sports Officer,S- 03/01 Permanent 21-40 3 1. Graduate from a recognized University2. Diploma in training (Coaching) in relevant game from Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports, Patiala, Bangalore, Kolkata, Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education Trivandrum, Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education Gwalior and all such Institutes equivalent to Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports, Patiala which are recognized by government of India from time to time.3. 02 Years experience of Coaching.
 DIRECTORATE OF ENVIRONMENT U.P. 16. Assistant Director (Civil Engineering),S- 03/02 Permanent 21-40 1 1. A first class Bachelors degree in Engineering (Civil) from a University established by law in India or a qualification declared by the Government as equivalent thereto
17. Assistant Director (Environmental Engineering),S- 03/03 Permanent 21-40 1 1. A first class Bachelors degree in Engineering(Environmental) from a university established by law in India or a qualification declared by the Government as equivalent thereto.
18. Assistant Director (Mining Engineering),S- 03/04 Permanent 21-40 1 A first class Bachelors degree in Engineering (mining) from a university established by law in India or a qualification declared by the Government as equivalent thereto.
U.P. ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS DEPTT. 19. Inspector,S- 10/03 Permanent 35-42 5 1. Bachelors degree of a university established by law in India2. Candidates must be permanent Government Servants with at least ten years continuous service on any ministerial post under state Government
GROUND WATER DEPARTMENT U.P. 20. Chemist,S- 12/01 Permanent 21-40 1 Master Degree in Chemistry with a Minimum 60 percent marks from a University established by law in India Or a degree recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto
21. Hydrologist (Nuclear Hydrology and Electrical),S- 12/02 Permanent 21-40 1 Master Degree in Physics with a Minimum 60 percent marks with specialization in Electronics Or Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering with a minimum 60% marks from a University extablished by law in India
 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION, U.P. 22. Lecturer Economics,S- 03/16 Temporary 21-40 42 1. Good academic record as defined by the concerned University with at least 55% marks, (or an equivalent grade in a point Scale wherever grading system is followed ) at the Master’s Degree level in a relevant subject from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited Foreign University.2. Good academic record as defined by the concerned University with at least 50% marks,(or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) at the Master’s Degree level in a relevant subject from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited Foreign University only for the scheduled castes/ Scheduled Tribes/ Differently-abled (Physically and Visually differently-abled) Other Backward classes (OBC) (Non-creamy layer) categories or Ph.D. degree holders who have passed their Master’s degree prior to 19th September 1991.3. Have you cleared NET by U.G.C./C.S.I.R. in the relevant subject or SLET of Uttar Pradesh in the relevant subject or SET in the relevant subject accredited by U.G.C.4. Have you been awarded a PH.D. Degree in accordance with the conditions or a traditional and professional artist as mentioned in advertisement for exemption from the requirement of the minimum eligibility condition of NET/SLET/SET.
23. Lecturer History,S- 03/17 Temporary 21-40 45
24. Lecturer English,S- 03/18 Temporary 21-40 52
25. Lecturer Mathematics,S- 03/19 Temporary 21-40 42
26. Lecturer Home Science,S- 03/20 Temporary 21-40 45
27. Lecturer Zoology,S- 03/21 Temporary 21-40 42
28. Lecturer Physics,S- 03/22 Temporary 21-40 45
29. Lecturer Psychology,S- 03/23 Temporary 21-40 31
30. Lecturer Chemistry,S- 03/24 Temporary 21-40 44
31. Lecturer Political Science,S- 03/25 Temporary 21-40 58
32. Lecturer Botany,S- 03/26 Temporary 21-40 45
33. Lecturer Commerce,S- 03/27 Temporary 21-40 87
34. Lecturer Sociology,S- 03/28 Temporary 21-40 20
35. Lecturer Hindi,S- 03/29 Temporary 21-40 57
36. Lecturer Urdu,S- 03/30 Temporary 21-40 6
37. Lecturer Ancient History,S- 03/31 Temporary 21-40 2
38. Lecturer Geography,S- 03/32 Temporary 21-40 7
39. Lecturer Anthropology,S- 03/33 Temporary 21-40 1
40. Lecturer Education,S- 03/34 Temporary 21-40 8
41. Lecturer Sanskrit,S- 03/35 Temporary 21-40 5
42. Lecturer Military Science/ Defence Studies,S- 03/36 Temporary 21-40 3
43. Lecturer Music vocal,S- 03/37 Temporary 21-40 3
44. Lecturer Music Instrumental (Sitar),S- 03/38 Temporary 21-40 1
45. Lecturer Music Instrumental (Tabla),S- 03/39 Temporary 21-40 1
46. Lecturer B.Ed.,S- 03/40 Temporary 21-40 21 1. Good academic record with at least 55% marks in the degree of Master of Education (M.Ed.) or an equivalent grade in point scale.2. Good academic record as defined by the concerned University with at least 50% marks,(or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) in the degree of Master of Education (M.Ed.) from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited Foreign University only for the scheduled castes/ Scheduled Tribes/ Differently-abled (Physically and Visually differently-abled) Other Backward classes (OBC) (Non-creamy layer) categories or Ph.D. degree holders who have passed their Master’s degree prior to 19th September 1991.3. A Post Graduate Degree in any School subject.
47. Lecturer Philosophy,S- 03/41 Temporary 21-40 2 1. Good academic record as defined by the concerned University with at least 55% marks, (or an equivalent grade in a point Scale wherever grading system is followed ) at the Master’s Degree level in a relevant subject from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited Foreign University.2. Good academic record as defined by the concerned University with at least 50% marks,(or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) at the Master’s Degree level in a relevant subject from an Indian
48. Lecturer Microbiologys,S- 03/42 Temporary 21-40 1
49. Lecturer Statistics,S- 03/43 Temporary 21-40 1
50. Lecturer Persians,S- 03/44 Temporary 21-40 1
MEDICAL EDUCATION DEPTT., U.P. (ALLOPATHY) 51. Principal,S- 08/01 Temporary 21-65 4 1. M.D./M.S. or an equivalent qualification recognised by Medical Council of India2. Atleast 10 years Teaching experience as professor/Associate professor/Reader In a recognized Medical College/ Institution out of which atleast five years should be as professor in a department
52. Professor Anatomy,S- 08/03 Temporary 21-65 3 1. M.S. (Anatomy)/M.D. (Anatomy)/ M.B.B.S. with M.Sc. (Anatomy)/M.Sc. (Med. Anatomy) with Ph.D. (Med. anatomy)/M.Sc. (Med. Anatomy) with D.Sc. (Med. Anatomy) or an equivalent qualification recognised by Medical Council of India2. As Associates Professor in Anatomy for three years in a permitted/approved/ recognized Medical College/Institution.
53. Professor Anaesthesiology,S- 08/04 Temporary 21-65 2 1. M.D. (Anaesthesiology)/M.S. (Anaesthesiology) or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of India.2. As Associate Professor in Anaesthesiology for three years in a permitted/approved/recognized Medical College/Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two reaserch publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
54. Professor Biochemistry,S- 08/05 Temporary 21-65 3 1. M.D. (Biochemistry)/M.B.B.S. with M.Sc. (Med. Biochemistry) / M.Sc. (Med. Bio-chemistry) with Ph.D. (Med. Biochemistry)/ M.Sc. (Med. Biochemistry) with D.Sc. (Med. Biochemistry) or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of India.2. As Associate Professor in Biochemistry for three years in a permitted/approved/ recognized Medical College/ Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two research publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
55. Professor Cardiology,S- 08/06 Temporary 21-65 1 1. M.D.(Medicine) with D.M. (Cardiology) or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of India.2. As Associate Professor in Cardiology for three years in a permitted/approved/recognized Medical College /Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two research publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
56. Professor Dentistry,S- 08/07 Temporary 21-65 2 1. M.D.S. or an equivalent qualification recognized by Dental Council of India.2. As Associate Professor in Dental for three years in a D.C.I. permitted/approved/ recognized Medical College/ Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two reaserch publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
57. Professor E.N.T.,S- 08/08 Temporary 21-65 2 1. M.S. (Oto-Rhino-Laryngology) or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of India.2. As Associate Professor in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology for three years in a permitted/approved/recognized Medical College/Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two reaserch publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author
58. Professor Forensic Medicine,S- 08/09 Temporary 21-65 2 1. M.D. (Forensic Medicine) or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of India.2. As Associate Professor in Forensic Medicine for three years in a permitted/approved/ recognized Medical College/Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two reaserch publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
59. Professor General Medicine,S- 08/10 Temporary 21-65 2 1. M.D. (Medicine/General Medicine) or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of India.2. As Associate Professor in General Medicine for three years in a permitted/approved/recognized Medical College/ Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two reaserch publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
60. Professor Microbiology,S- 08/11 Temporary 21-65 2 1. M.D. (Bacteriology)/M.D. (Microbilogy)/ M.B.B.S. with M.Sc. (Med. Bacteriology)/ M.Sc. (Med. Microbiology)with Ph.D. (Med. Bacteriology)/ M.Sc. (Med. Bacteriology) with Ph.D. (Medical Bacteriology)/ M.Sc. (Medical Microbiology) with D.Sc. (Med. Bacteriology)/ M.Sc. (Med. Microbiology)with Ph.D. (Med. Microbiology)/ M.Sc. (Med. Microbiology) with D.Sc. (Med. Microbiology) or an equivalent qualification recognized by medical council of India.2. As Associate Professor in Microbiology for three years in a permitted/ approved/ recognized Medical College/Institution.
61. Professor Obs. and Gynae.,S- 08/12 Temporary 21-65 1 1. M.D. (Obs. & Gynae.)/ M.S. (Obs. & Gynae.) or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of india.2. As Associate Professor in Obs. & Gynae. for three years in a permitted/ approved/ recognized Medical College/ Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two research publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
62. Professor Ophthalmology,S- 08/13 Temporary 21-65 2 1. M.S. (Ophthalmology)/M.D. (Ophthalmology) or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of india.2. As Associate Professor in Ophthalmology for three years in a permitted/ approved/ recognized Medical College/Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two research publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
63. Professor Orthopaedics,S- 08/14 Temporary 21-65 1 1. M.S. (Orthopaedics) or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of india.2. As Associate Professor in Orthopaedics for three years in a permitted/ approved/ recognized Medical College/Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two research publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
64. Professor Paediatrics,S- 08/15 Temporary 21-65 2 1. M.D. (Paediatrics) or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of india.2. As Associate Professor in Paediatrics for three years in a permitted/ approved/ recognized Medical College/Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two research publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
65. Professor Pathology,S- 08/16 Temporary 21-65 3 1. M.D. (Pathology)/Ph.D.(Pathology)/D.Sc. (Pathology) or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of India.2. As Associate Professor in Pathology for three years in a permitted/approved/ recognized Medical College/Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two research publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
66. Professor Pharmacology,S- 08/17 Temporary 21-65 3 1. M.D. (Pharmacology)/ M.B.B.S. with Ph.D. (Med. Pharmacology)/ M.Sc. (Med. Pharmacology) with Ph.D. (Med. Pharmacology)/M.Sc. (Med. Pharmacology) with D.Sc. (Med. Pharmacology) or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of India.2. As Associate Professor in Pharmacology for three years in a permitted/approved/ recognized Medical College/ Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two research publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
67. Professor Pharmacy,S- 08/18 Temporary 21-65 1 1. Basic Pharmaceutical Degree with Post Graduate Qualification.2. Reader/ Associate Professor in Pharmacy for five years in a P.C.I. permitted/ approved/ recognized Medical College/ Institution
68. Professor Physiology,S- 08/19 Temporary 21-65 2 1. M.D. (Physiology)/M.B.B.S. with M.Sc. (Physiology) / M.Sc. (Med. Physiology) with Ph. D. (Medical Physiology)/M.Sc. (Med. Physiology) with D.Sc. (Med. Physiology) or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of India.2. As Associate Professor in Physiology for three years in a permitted/ approved/recognized Medical College/ Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two research publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
69. Professor Psychiatry,S- 08/20 Temporary 21-65 2 1. M.D. (Psychiatry)/M.D. (Psychological Med.)/ M.D. in Medicine with Diploma in Psychological Med. or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of India.2. As Associate Professor in Psychiatry for three years in a permitted/approved/ recognized Medical College/Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two research Publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
70. Professor Radio-Diagnosis,S- 08/21 Temporary 21-65 2 1. M.D. Radio-Diagnosis/ M.D. Radiology/ M.S. Radiology or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of India.2. As Associate Professor in Radio-Diagnosis for three years in a permitted/ approved/ recognized Medical College/Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two research Publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
71. Professor Radio-Therapy,S- 08/22 Temporary 21-65 2 1. M.D.(Radio-Therapy)/M.D. (Radiology)/ M.S.(Radiology) or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of India.2. As Associate Professor in Radio-Therapy for three years in a permitted/approved/ recognized Medical College/Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two research Publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
72. Professor Community Medicine,S- 08/23 Temporary 21-65 2 1. M.D. (Social & Preventive Medicine)/M.D. (Community Medicine) or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of India.2. As Associate Professor in Community Medicine for three years in a permitted/ approved/recognized Medical College/ Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two research publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
73. Professor Skin & V.D.,S- 08/24 Temporary 21-65 1 1. M.D. (Derm. & Ven.)/M.D. (Derm. Ven. & Leprosy)/M.D. (Dermatology)/ M.D. (Derm. including Ven.)/M.D. (Derm. including Ven./Lep.)/ M.D. (Medicine) with D.V.D. or D.D. or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of India.2. As Associate Professor in Skin & V.D. for three years in a permitted/approved/ recognized Medical College/Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two research publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
74. Professor General Surgery,S- 08/25 Temporary 21-65 2 1. M.S. (Surgery)/M.S. (General Surgery) or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of India.2. As Associate Professor in General Surgery for three years in a permitted/ approved/ recognized Medical College/ Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two research publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
75. Professor T.B. & Chest,S- 08/26 Temporary 21-65 1 1. M.D. (Tuberculosis)/M.D.(T/B. & Respiratory Dise.)/M.D. (Medicine) with T.D.D., D.T.D. or D.T.C.D./M.D. (T.B. & Chest Diseases) or a equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of India.2. As Associate Professor in T.B. for three years in a permitted/approved/ recognized Medical College/Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of .two research publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
76. Professor Blood Bank (Immuno haematology & Blood Transfusion),S- 08/27 Temporary 21-65 1 1. D.M. (Immunology) OR M.D. (Immuno-Haematology & Blood Transfusion/ M.D. (Pathology or Bacteriology or Haematology) with 2 years teaching experience or special training in the deptt. of Immuno Haematology & Blood Transfusion or an equivalent qualification recognized by Medical Council of India.2. As Associate Professor in Immuno-Haematology & Blood Transfusion for three years in a permitted/approved/ recognized Medical College/ Institution.3. Four Research publications in indexed journal on cumulative basis with minimum of two research publication during the tenure of associate professor as first author or as corresponding author.
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